Grahame Booth

Grahame Booth is one of Ireland’s best known watercolour painters and tutors. He has taught watercolour for over 30 years at workshops across the world, from the USA to India, and his paintings have won many national and international awards. 

He has written three books on watercolour techniques and has contributed to many others.. Grahame also writes regularly for The Artist magazine in the UK and has a strong online presence, including over 39k subscribers to his YouTube painting channel.

Painting only in watercolour and when asked about this he said
“Watercolour is not a forgiving medium. It is frustrating, paint dries lighter and it runs all over the place. I love it! I started painting watercolour almost 40 years ago and I know that I will never tire of the unpredictability of it all. Watercolour is never boring.”

He considers himself to be a watercolour impressionist, aiming to capture the feel and atmosphere of a subject, rather than concentrating on too much detail. On materials, he believes strongly that watercolour is difficult enough without making it harder by using anything other than the best materials, especially paper:

“Paper will have the greatest obvious effect on your painting, and right from the start I have only used the best quality papers. In my early years I used Bockingford for everything and I still choose it when I know I am going to be painting very directly with few layers. I also use the other St Cuthberts Mill paper. Saunders Waterford is a real workhorse, I can throw anything at it and the paint still keeps its clarity, even when I overdo things! Millford is the most recent paper from St Cuthberts Mill and I use it when I’m painting very wet. There is something in the way the paint blends on Millford that is unlike any other paper.”

“I am so pleased to have been invited to become an Ambassador for St Cuthberts Mill, a company that makes the papers on which I have painted almost every painting I have ever produced. Having always used their papers it is a wonderful opportunity for me to introduce more painters to such great papers”


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Grahame Booth Bluebell Wood by Grahame Booth on Millford 300gsm CP. Minnowburn by Grahame Booth on Bockingford 425gsm CP Monzone by Grahame Booth on Saunders Waterford 425gsm CP Scrabo Hill by Gtrahame Booth on Millford 300gsm CP