Claudia Drexhage

Claudia Drexhage lives in Rahden in northern Germany, and has intensively involved in watercolour for several years. Her work is showcased on Instagram where she has thousands of followers, who are captivated watching her paintings come to life with dramatic runs of colour. 

A member of Deutsche Aquarell Gesellschaft (German Watercolour Society), with her first book ‘Aquarell Landscapes’ published in 2024.

Water is essential for Claudia's work. Water represents purification, renewal and life. Water is a great necessity, without it nothing can live. The structure of water, the magical course it takes with its movements determine the appearance of Claudia’s work.

From the flowing interaction of water and colour, a beautiful and unique work of art is formed at the moment of painting, which in its genesis and evolution oscillates between chance and planned procedure. Claudia finds this process incredibly honest and direct.
Unpredictability and chance are just as much a part of this moment for Claudia, as the anticipated artistic approach.

“I love Saunders Waterford paper - especially the HP one. Its smooth surface allows the colour to dance on the paper before settling. I've tried different brands of paper, but I can't use any other paper to represent the flow of water like this. Despite the amount of water I use, the paper stays in very good shape.”


Claudia’s article on our blog
Interview with Claudia Drexhage  

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